Um cantinho criado para jogadores de RPG no SL.Uma coletânea de rps,crônicas, BGs bem como informações de raça, documentos e outros á disposição pra quem quizer aprender mais.Deixei a página como mature para não me preocupar com postagens de GOR e não disponibilizei seguidores, pois não é esta a intenção. Em paz seja bem vindo... =)
sábado, 16 de março de 2013
Contrato de FC ? oque é isso ?
É um contrato feito entre duas pessoas que dura 1 ano e pode ou não ser renovado. Em Gor existem 2 pré requisitos para vc se tormar uma médica. Um deles é ter um FC ( Free Companion ) e o outro é ter 2 filhos para garantir a continuidade da casta. Sem estes dois pré requisitos vc NÂO pode ser uma medica.
Aqui tem um modelo de contrato de FC feito pela Monique e o Joe.
Para fazer isso vc tem que procurar a Casta azul da sua homestone ( cidade onde joga ) leva os padrinhos e oficializa o "casório" .
Companion Contract of
Free Man, Caste
Free Woman, Caste
On the 18/10/2010, Free Man Joe Ireman, Free man Physician City Port of Tarks a Free residing in Tarks and Lady Monique Fenwitch, a Free Woman of the Healler aprendice Phusician in Ellior Vilage did enter into a Companion Contract of their own free will. This document will lay out the terms and conditions of this contract. It will be valid for the term of one year expiring on the 20th ahn of Priests Kings year 18 october p.p..
The Free Man, Joe Ireman of Tarks, entered into this contract bringing 10.023 itens and 4.000 lidens as did the the Free Woman, Monique fenwitch of Ellior, entered into this contract with 2.107 itens and 1.200 lidens.
Should this contract not be renewed, all properties shall revert to their original owner at the end of this contract.
Free Man's Ownership
The Free Man, Joe Ireman shall have full authority over the Free Woman, Monique Fenwitch and all her possessions for the entire contract term, to dispose of in any way he so chooses. The Lady Monique Fenwitch agrees to this fully, and relinquishes all claims, recourse, and appeals.
Any children born from this joining will be the custody of the father, Joe Ireman of Green Caste.
Termination of Contract
Allowing the contract to expire without renewal, either party becoming enslaved, death or willfully breaking the terms of this contract shall be grounds for termination of this contract.
Upon completion of the contract, if the parties decide not to renew then properties will be returned to their original owner or split in a manner that is acceptable to them both or as local law dictates.
In the event either party should become enslaved all properties will revert to the remaining Free person.
Death will result in the remaining parties original property reverting back to them. The deceased's properties will be determined via other legal documents such as wills and etc or as local law dictates.
Willful breaking of the contents of this contract will result in charges being brought against the offending party and the dissolution of properties will be handled by the courts.
Bridal Price
The bridal price of lidens was set by the family of Lady Monique fenwitch, her father, Elder Physician Luan Xigalia of kargashy, specifically and was paid by Joe Ireman on the 10 october priest Kings year.
If terms of this agreement are broken by the Free Woman the bridal price shall be returned to Elder Phtsician Luan Xigalia os kaegasy.
The ceremony joining Joe ireman and Monique fenwitch was performed on the 18/11/2010 in Nyoka Falls and was performed by Lady Eulalie Tomsen of Head Scribe of Nyoka Falls
Joe Iremam - Physician of City Port of Tarsks
Monique Fenwitch - Healer aprendice Elior Village
way Aires
Raissa Geordie
Scribed by:
Lady Eulalie Tomsen - Head Scribe of Nyoka Falls
aqui é colado o selo da Casta Azul que fez o documento.
Resumindo: para ser medica em gor vc tem que ter um marido e dois filhos. Na hora de fazer o exame ( rp ) para admissão no grupo medico, vc tem que entregar o documento comprovando a união ( FC ) e a certidão de nascimento de 2 filhos. Tudo isso é feito com registro de quem comando o local.
Se o jogo for sério e BTB é assim...
maneiro neh ?
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♥By R.G.♥